Gardening etc.

This is my first effort at a blog and I noticed that there seemed to be a shortage of blogs about gardening. I suppose that is because most gardeners are too busy in their gardens to be on the internet. Fortunately, I get paid to sit at a computer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Does anyone ever update this blog?

The cucumbers that were just "poking up" back at the first of April are fully sprouted now and some even have flowers blooming. They are still quite small though and really look more like plants than cucumber vines. There are 8 viable tomato plants and I believe they all have some little 'maters on them. However, they are all showing signs of Early Blight and I don't really want to use a fungicide to treat this because I would like to keep it as natural as possible. Any suggestions?

Pictures to come.


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