Gardening etc.

This is my first effort at a blog and I noticed that there seemed to be a shortage of blogs about gardening. I suppose that is because most gardeners are too busy in their gardens to be on the internet. Fortunately, I get paid to sit at a computer.

Friday, September 02, 2005

ABSOLUTELY no complaints from me! I am grieving deeply for the people in the area ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. I've watched so many news clips of the people in New Orleans without food or water for several days. My heart aches for the children who can't understand why their parents can't feed them or give them something to drink and for the parents who have no way to end there child's suffering. "Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Just because the scene is more dramatic in New Orleans I don't want to forget the victims in Mississippi and Alabama and Florida like so many news outlets have done. Oh God, please rain Your miracles down on these people.


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