Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Today is the first day of spring and I just came across this quote:
"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" - Robin Williams
I just spoke with my oldest son, James, yesterday. He and his lovely wife, Andrea, just returned from their delayed honeymoon to Mexico. Then it dawned on me that I had not posted any photos of them in this space. So here is one from their wedding in May '05.

Sunday, March 19, 2006
So much for the shortage of rain. Remember last year when I mentioned here that we were 15" below average for the year? Things are a bit different now.

So far there has been 6-10" of rainfall in the past two days with more on the way. It would be really great to have this spread out over weeks instead of hours.
One thing you may not be able to gather from the pictures is the mulch. The cedar mulch has floated away and I'll have to replace it but the cypress mulch has stayed in place.
The importance of good drainage can not be over emphasized.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Things are really moving along now. On March 10th & 11th I tilled and laid out the raised rows.

Since these pictures were taken I have planted 4 tomato plants; 2 Celebrity and 2 Early Girl; and 8 pepper plants; 2 Cubanelle, 2 Tam Jalapeno, 2 Habenero, and 2 California Wonder bells on March 16th. I now have 2 SuperSweet 100 tomato plants to add and I will be getting two of the SuperFantastic variety this week.
This year's garden plot is a 20' x 17' rectangle. I'll post more pictures as the season progresses.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
"I see trees of green........ red roses too...I see ’em bloom..... for me and for you...And I think to myself.... " go ahead, finish this for me.
That's right. What a wonderful world.
My wife and I went to the Neil Sperry All Garden Show this past weekend and it was really motivational. I have the itch to DIG! I bought 4 tomato and 2 pepper plants at the show. I'll be getting those repotted today to give them a little more time to strengthen before planting. I also found a brand of compost that I'm going to get to add to the existing soil to hopefully boost the fruit/vegetable production this year. Then I went to Lowe's and started getting the parts for the drip irrigation system I'm going to install. This should be much better than a lawn sprinkler or hand held watering wand.
The weather today is going to be awesome, if you like springtime weather. It will be clear and near 80 degrees. We have had some rain and now the warm weather comes. The weeds can't be far behind.
Look around and revel in the amazing rejuvenation of the earth. It's God's blessing to us all.