Gardening etc.

This is my first effort at a blog and I noticed that there seemed to be a shortage of blogs about gardening. I suppose that is because most gardeners are too busy in their gardens to be on the internet. Fortunately, I get paid to sit at a computer.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Things are looking better. This picture is two months after the earlier shot. We've enjoyed several tomatos already and have a bowl full of Sweet 100 cherry toms and Pear toms to eat up. There are several cucumbers about ready to harvest. Have already picked 3 Cubanelle peppers and 4 or 5 Tams (mild form of jalapeno). Just the other day Theresa noticed several blooms on the pumpkin plants. They were planted just for fun to see if we could get a pumpkin to grow. I got the pumpkin starts by cutting up and throwing the pumpkin from last fall in the garden as compost. I got all kinds of starts but just kept 3 and treated the others as weeds. Now there are 2 left and both are doing well.

It has been really hot (upper 90s) and dry the last week+ and it is only June. I'm really concerned about the health of the plants come July and August.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The beginning of spring garden 2005. As you can tell from the date on the picture I did get a late start this year. Well, it was late for Texas anyway. New picture coming soon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their kinds. And it was so." (Genesis 1:11)

So as soon as God had created the earth He planted a garden. He did this before he created the sun, moon, or stars.

"Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. " (Gen. 1:29)

A few days after he created the garden he gave it to Adam to tend. So there you have it; God thought gardening so important that he created one before the sun and as humans we were made to be gardeners by God Himself. It's in our blood.

I love gardening. I've been around gardens since helping my paternal grandfather when I was just a small boy. It is so rewarding to plant something, watch it grow, and receive a usable product for your efforts. There are no shortage of challenges either. Bugs, disease, too much sun, and too much rain are some of the issues to keep you using your brain to get the most from your toilings. Oh, and birds, don't forget the graceful acrobats of the air. Birds can be very enjoyable to watch as they fly and go about their bird business but I don't care to see even one within 10 feet of my garden. They love tomatos as much as myself.